Author: Pastor Al Pittman
As with every New Year I’m sure yours has already started with challenges. Yet, in Christ those challenges are in fact opportunities to see God’s “glory!” Here is a prayer for the New Year found in Psalm 90:16, 17. May God reveal to you His glory in this New Year! A “Blessed” New Year to you all.

His Servant,
Pastor Al

Let Your work appear to Your servants, And Your glory to their children. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, And establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands.” Psalm 90:16-17

Pastor Al Pittman

Pastor Al Pittman

Pastor Al traveled extensively due to his father's military career before settling in Colorado Springs and dedicating his life to ministry and music. He has served in various pastoral roles, earned advanced degrees in Ministry, and with his wife Norma, has raised a family deeply involved in their community and church life.