
Author: Pastor Al Pittman

God has richly blessed us! I firmly believe, if we will remain faithful in loving,honoring, and serving our King, He will manifest a work among us which will exceed our “wildest” expectations! The Lord desires to blow our minds with His goodness; let’s not limit His hand and His heart towards His people. This is your year to experience “great things.”

“Look among the nations and watch — Be utterly astounded!

For I will work a work in your days Which you would not believe, though it were told you.” Habakkuk  1:5

You crown the year with Your goodness, And Your paths drip with abundance. Psalm 65:11

For His Glory, Your Chief Servant
Pastor Al


After 14 years, a tremendous victory was realized, the fruition of our first Live Worship CD. Praise the Lord!

Special thanks, to Justin and the worship team, sound people, etc., for all their hard work. I believe this is a project which will edify thousands of fellow believers and magnify our God! But today is another day, and we must not grow complacent, but continue to press on. We have yet to see or comprehend the great things God has planned for His people at CWC. I believe we are entering into a time whereby we need to “step up,” in order to “keep up,” with the great opportunities and challenges before us.

The “greater blessings” of God require greater faith, commitment and responsibility. Because of the blessings which God has bestowed and will bestow upon this ministry, in the coming days, you’ll find it necessary to challenge yourself, to dig deeper, andallow God to stretch you further than you have ever been before. We are in a “new season,” I can sense it! But remember, although the children of Israel were given the promise land, flowing with milk and honey, “giants” also inhabited the land. God leaves the giants in the land to test our faith, to develop godly character and strengthen us, for His glory!

Now is the time to lay aside the weights, that we might run on! The day of the footman is over, let us press toward the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus, Philippians 3:14. To “press” means; to be intentional about the direction of this ministry and our goals; to work together in unison for God’s divine purpose, (Amos 3:3). For such a time as this, God has chosen you to accomplish feats above and beyond what we could ever imagine; thus, let us “Carpe Diem,” (seize the day).  May God open our eyes and ears to hear and see what the Spirit is saying to His church.

For His Glory, Your Chief Servant;
Pastor Al

If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, Then how can you contend with horses? And if in the land of peace, In which you trusted, they wearied you, Then how will you do in the floodplain of the Jordan?” Jeremiah 12:5

Faith at the Olympics: Rio’s Best Kept Secret

We’ve all heard the story of Eric Liddell, who turned down an opportunity for Olympic gold at the Paris Games in 1924 in order to honor His Savior. It was Liddell who famously said, “God made me fast. And when I run, I feel His pleasure.”

Well, this summer in Rio de Janeiro, there’s been a whole lot of running, jumping, swimming, and competing by athletes seeking to honor Jesus Christ. Not that you’ve heard much about it from the “mainstream” media. I spoke about this media blackout with my friend Terry Mattingly, who’s one of today’s foremost religion journalists. Terry told me, “If these athletes make faith a part of their story, how do you leave out faith when telling their story?” Come to for a link to the podcast.

Now, I’ve already told you the story of super-swimmer Michael Phelps, who reached the pinnacle of sports and found it hollow—and then contemplated suicide. But Phelps found a reason to live when Ray Lewis gave him a copy of “The Purpose-Driven Life,” by Rick Warren. Michael’s story reminds us of the role that God’s people have as bringers of hope and agents of restoration.

There have been many such reminders in Rio. Fiji dominated Great Britain, 43-7 in rugby, earning the island country’s first-ever gold medal. Then the winning players huddled and sang, both in English and Fijian: “We have overcome / We have overcome / By the blood of the Lamb / And the Word of the Lord / We have overcome.” Then they received their medals humbly—on their knees!

In the women’s 10,000 meters race, Almaz Ayana, from Ethiopia, obliterated the previous world record by 14 seconds. Responding to unfounded rumors about cheating, Almaz retorted, “My doping is my training and my doping is Jesus. Nothing otherwise —I am crystal clear.”

Daily_commentary_08_22_16_American swimmer Simone Manuel set an Olympic record in the 100-meter freestyle, becoming the first African-American woman to win gold as a swimmer, the first African-American woman to win a medal in an individual swimming event, and the first American to win the 100-meter since 1984. After the race she said, with tears rolling down her cheeks, “All I can say is all glory to God.”

Then there’s another inspiring Olympian named Simone—Simone Biles, acknowledged to be the world’s greatest female gymnast—and perhaps the best ever. But what’s truly inspiring is her story—adopted at age 6 by her grandparents because of her mother’s battle with addiction. Now reconciled with her mom, Simone draws strength from her relationship with God and her faith.

Katie Ledecky, who may become the greatest woman swimmer of all time—and who won the 800-meter freestyle by an amazing 11 seconds—says her faith in Christ “is part of who I am.”

I could go on and on in this Olympic hall of faith, but I’ll leave you with just one more. Champion diver David Boudia says he’s well aware of the need to represent Christ with integrity, saying, “If I represent a good God, I need to be that visual representation of Him all the time, not just when I feel like it.” David tells his amazing and inspiring story from despair to discipleship in his book, “Greater Than Gold: From Olympic Heartbreak to Ultimate Redemption.”

It’s great to see these “bringers of hope and agents of restoration” compete for the glory of God. But we’d miss the point if all we do is applaud them and then turn off our TVs. We are called to compete for Christ, too. As Eric Liddell also said, “It has been a wonderful experience to compete in the Olympic Games and to bring home a gold medal. But … I have had my eyes on a different prize. … Each one of us is in a greater race than any I have run in Paris, and this race ends when God gives out the medals.”

Amen. Now that is a story worth repeating!

BreakPoint is a Christian worldview ministry that seeks to build and resource a movement of Christians committed to living and defending Christian worldview in all areas of life. Begun by Chuck Colson in 1991 as a daily radio broadcast, BreakPoint provides a Christian perspective on today’s news and trends via radio, interactive media, and print. Today BreakPoint commentaries, co-hosted by Eric Metaxas and John Stonestreet, air daily on more than 1,200 outlets with an estimated weekly listening audience of eight million people. Feel free to contact us at where you can read and search answers to common questions.


Do not underestimate a single, simple act of faith. Jonathan’s act of faith (1 Samuel 14) caused the enemy of Israel (Philistines) to “melt away” (v.16), and inspired many to boldness and victory (v.21, 22). “Risky” faith, like that of Jonathan, will be required of us as we take bold steps as a staff, into the future. However, Jonathan did not act alone, he had a “faith partner,” an armorbearer. Thus, a “team effort,” rather than a “solo act” is required, as we pioneer new paths for the continual “edification” of this fellowship and the “glorification” of our God. Therefore, let’s be bold and lead; innovative, take chances; “…it may be that the Lord will work for us. For nothing restrains the Lord from saving by many or by few.” (1 Sam. 14:6). God is with us, but He cannot work “for” us apart from “faith” in His ability and His word! When you get a chance check out 1 Samuel 14:1-23. I pray it will be a blessing to you.

Carpe diem! “Seize the day!”

His Armor bearer,
Pastor Al

Do not follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” (Source Unknown).


God is looking for faithful servants, not “perfect” servants. Those who desire to do according to His heart and His mind! He will build for them a “sure” house!

Pastor Al

Then I will raise up for Myself a faithful priest who shall do according to what is in My heart and in My mind. I will build him a sure house, and he shall walk before My anointed forever.” 1 Samuel 2:35

Pastor Al Pittman

Pastor Al Pittman

Pastor Al traveled extensively due to his father's military career before settling in Colorado Springs and dedicating his life to ministry and music. He has served in various pastoral roles, earned advanced degrees in Ministry, and with his wife Norma, has raised a family deeply involved in their community and church life.